The best roleplayers and roleplays are awarded here. Each week, the site's Devs will choose a roleplay that they think is deserving of the title, send it to Ben@psrpg.com email, the result will get posted when the site gets updated. High Scorers cannot win the title two weeks in a row. High Scoring players will email, the result will get posted when the site, in addition to recognition you will email, the result will get posted when the site a set amount of coins for use in the Inventory. Make sure you include your reward in your stats e-mails, because it is your responsibility to make sure you receive your coins, not the Devs.
The rewards for High Score are as followed:
1st Place: 35 coins
2nd Place: 15 coins
Also, the person who wins the High Score Award is required to become the next week's 4th High Score person. So this way they get to experience being a Dev and it gives them something to do since they are not eligible for High Score until the following week.
Good luck and get to writing!!
Below are the four different High Score Judge's opinions on this week's RPs:
HS Judge #1
1st Place -
2nd Place -
HS Judge #2
1st Place -
2nd Place -
HS Judge #3
1st Place -
2nd Place -
Guest HS Judge
1st Place -
2nd Place -
This Week's High Score Winner is...
(Insert Person)
2nd Place is Awarded to:
(Insert Person)