The Fighting System
Battles are determined based on a 20 sided die. One player gets actions on a roll of 1-10, and the other 11-20. Once this di is rolled, and the attacking player is determined, two more d20s are rolled. The first di determines what sort of attack is being made. The second di determines how the opposing player defends. This same routine is repeated, over and over, until one of the player's HP reaches 0. It's all based on luck. Non-biased and completely fair.
An attacking player's actions on a d20 are broken down as follows:
- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 - Basic Attack
- 2 - Unique Item Activation
You have three categories for your stats: Strength Speed and Skill. Each one affects how your character interacts with the other in vastly different ways. For the sake of balance, each of these stats are restricted to a MAX of 91. Below is the breakdown of each Stat and what it does for your character during combat:
Strength is how much damage you can do to your opponent with a basic attack. Damage is calculated as follows:
Speed determines whether you dodge or counter an attack. A dodge means the attack does no damage, and a counter means it does damage to you, then you deal damage back. Dodge and Counter means that you dodge the attack first, and then deal damage in a counter attack. Stun means that you automatically dodge and counter your opponent's next attack, and then Paralyze them for the next attack roll. Speed is also rolled on a 20-sided Di, just like attacking. Speed is decided as follows:
- 1-10 = Dodge if 1 is rolled
- 11-20 = Dodge if 1 or 2 is rolled
- 21-30 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled
- 31-40 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4 is rolled
- 41-50 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4 or 5 is rolled
- 51-60 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4, 5, or 6 is rolled
- 61-70 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4, 5, or 6 is rolled. Dodge and Counter if 7 is rolled.
- 71-80 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4, 5, or 6 is rolled. Dodge and Counter if 7 or 8 is rolled.
- 81-90 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4, 5, or 6 is rolled. Dodge and Counter if 7, 8, or 9 is rolled.
- 91 = Dodge if 1, 2, or 3 is rolled. Counter if 4, 5, or 6 is rolled. Dodge and Counter if 7, 8, or 9 is rolled. Stun if a 10 is rolled.
Skill is what empowers your Primary Special. It can raise the percentage of the damage dealt, the number of turns an Special is active, or anything else dependent on your character's attack. Each character will have his/her own Primary Special, chosen upon joining the site. All Specials must meet the following criteria:
- Primary Specials have to tie in to your Skill in some way, be it the duration of effects, the damage, etc.
- A Special's base damage is determined in the following way:

4 base damage with no effect. Example: Akuma deals 4 damage to one opponent.

3 base damage with 1 effect. Example: Akuma deals 3 damage to all opponents.
2 base damage with 2 effects. Example: Akuma deals 2 damage to all opponents and heals for X.
There are very few restrictions on what kind of Primary Special you can have, so if you have a crazy idea that you haven't seen before, it would be best to just send an email to or and we'll dissect it and promptly reply back.
All Primary Specials are subject to the Devs discretion as we try to balance all attacks. If you are told, "No, we can't allow that special." please don't be offended by it. In the past, certain Specials were allowed and became too powerful as the character got stronger. Just keep sending in your altered Special until it is approved.