Character Restrictions
There are a few restrictions to the characters that can be selected. I will allow all game console, PC, and arcade characters. The game your character is from must have been a game first, not a movie or book then a game. Also, you cannot be a sub-character; I will not allow you to be "the third Shinra guy on the right during the 6th boss fight in Final Fantasy VII.." That would be unacceptable. Online RPG characters, or any other kinds of characters that are customizable are also not allowed. Any character that has no details, such as a name or a story, like a Diablo 2 main character (ex: Barbarian) will not be allowed either.
Character Changes, Continues, and NPCs
When you decide to change characters, you will use up one of the 3 Continues you are given when you join the site. That means, you are allowed to be 4 different characters before you run out of continues for the season. We want everyone to have fun and be the characters that they would like to be, but it is a lot of work for Justin to have to change a person every week, so if you do run into the situation where you are out of continues, you have the option of purchasing a Single Continue for a whopping and very costly amount of 500 Coins!
Upon changing characters, the story you created for that character within Press Start becomes null and void. So if you were previously Sephiroth and did a year long story about blah blah blah and then someone else comes along and wants to change to Sephiroth, they can choose play off of what was written by you, or ignore it altogether.
Non-playable characters, or NPCs, are those used by players within their stories. The proper way to address NPCs is to list who you are using on the Options Menu. If other people wish to use an NPC on your list, the proper way is to ask you first as to not mess up your current story. Now, if a person posts their NPC list and it is a 100-people deep then obviously something will be said, but other than that, please adhere to people's list and ask if you need to use someone. There is but one exception to the NPC rule. Here is the best example I can give:
Bob is currently RPing as Mario and within his story he has been using Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. Lisa decides to switch to Aeris and plans to use all of the characters from Final Fantasy 7. While troublesome for Bob, it will be up to Lisa to determine if she wants to go along with what Bob has had planned with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. Priority of NPCs will be given to the character from the game in which the NPCs come from. Now, hopefully Bob and Lisa can come to some understanding between the two of them, but that is up to Lisa to decide, at least in regards to those specific characters.
OOC and Role Play Board Rules
The Practice Mode page is for messages, challenges, and anything that you as a real life person need to deal with. 

Also known as the OOC board (OOC = out of character)
The Story Mode page is the board where you place your role plays with your character. There are to be no OOC's

on the RP Board. It is strictly for In-Character stories.
Do not at any time spam the OOC or RP boards.
Do not place your ads or anyone else's on the boards. If you want an ad placed on the site, email or instant

message a Dev.
Each person can only have one character at a time. Anyone who is caught with more than one will be warned, then

No playing God. That means no controlling other characters or putting words in their mouth without permission.

Always ask before using another person's character.
Be true to your character. Don't have Akuma skateboarding or Sephiroth pimping out Aeris. If you have an idea for a character that is way outside of the box, we are not saying you cannot RP it, but the story needs to be really legit and believable.
You must have a minimum of 1 RP a week, with the following conditions: 25 full sentences and/or 5 full paragraphs. If 
you use alot of dialogue and are unsure of the total sentence count, it would be in your best interest to write more
than less to remove all doubt.
NO OOC fights will be allowed. In the event that you cannot RP with a person because of your story, you can borrow 
someone else's stats and have them act as a character in your story for that week. With that being said, during the
month you are only allowed to borrow and/or loan out your stats once. This is not to try and penalize anyone, but it
adds more stress to the already difficult job of rolling battles by forcing the Dev to now have to figure out how your
brought-in characters fights, talks, etc.
If you do not roleplay at all within a 4 week period, you will be taken off the site.
All RP’s are due on Saturday of each week at Midnight! All RPs completed and turned in after Saturday will count

towards the next week. If this becomes a problem for the Battle Devs and/or HS Judges, then we will have to go

back to the RPs being due on Fridays.
Role Playing Rewards
Weekly Participation Rewards
Every week, all those who meet the Post Requirements will receive 50 Coins as a reward for their efforts.
High Score
Each week the qualifying RPs will be judged by our HS Devs and after each judge reads every RP, they will vote on which ones they think are best. By winning High Score, you will earn an additional 35 Coins. Please see the High Score page for more details.
Battle of the Month
Once per month, two people will be awarded the Battle of the Month and each character will earn an additional 50 Coins for their efforts!! Since Battles are no longer required, this award will go to those who still wish to work on the character interaction, build-up, battle arenas, battle itself, and any follow-up after the battle.
Sitewides will be mandatory for all characters, but in return for your efforts that may cause you to have to divert your current storyline or at least force you to have participate in the most epic of events, most of the time extra rewards are handed out, if you win.
**All Sitewides can be lost by the Players and each loss will result in some form of negative consequences as a result**
Battles work like this. You find a fight on the Practice Mode(OOC Board) by challenging another character. The earlier the better, so that you both will have enough time to set up the fight and role play it. You discuss with them what kind of match it will be and the details of the fight, such as where it will take place and why you will be fighting. Some characters need a good reason to fight, such as two heroes. Just because your characters don't have a good reason to fight, doesn't mean that you can't. There are always training sessions, misunderstandings, etc. Then you and your opponent set up your fight in your Role Plays on the Story Mode. This can be telling how you were talking along and got attacked by your opponent, etc. But please keep you and your opponent in character to the best of your knowledge. If you don't know anything about your opponent, ask him/her.
On Thursdays, Fights will be asked for on Practice Mode. You or your opponent should respond to this post by typing who is fighting and where it will be. Example: Mario vs. Luigi @ Mushroom Kingdom. This needs to be done before Friday at midnight.
During the weekend, the battle devs will roll your fights based on the system found in the instruction manual. Then they will write the battles and post them in the VS. Modes on the main page for you to read and find out how you did. So all you have to do to fight is find an opponent every week and role play the beginning of your battle with them.
Match Types
Flawless Victory
When a player defeats an opponent who is within 3 levels of their own and does not take a single point of damage (Healing does not count), that character will earn the following: 25 Coins!
Death Match
Death matches can be held between characters who have built up a rivalry with each other through several weeks of role plays. In a death match, you and your opponent fight to the death. The character that dies gets nothing in the way of stats, but doesn't necessarily have to change characters or start over. The character who wins gets all the stats from both players.
Tag Battles
There are two types of tag team battles that you can have. One is a five on five battle royal, where one group of fighters goes into total melee with another group. The other type is an elimination type match, where you have one person from each group start out the fight. It is a one on one battle until someone is knocked out. Once that happens, the next fighter from his team steps in and fights the person who won. The person who won will start with the hp they had left.
Confused yet?